About Brooke's Book Blog

Well... Since I currently don't have a job, and in an effort to not become stupid, I have decided to read Newsweek's Top 100 books over the next three (maybe four) years. Thoughts and details to follow.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

An American Tragedy

This book, while long, is excellent. I can't believe that I have never read it, let alone heard of it, because the third part centers around a trial. Going through law school, I thought I had at least heard of all the classics that center around court cases. Anyway... I am enjoying it. Almost done.

However, I just drew Remembrance of Things Past (or also called In Search of Lost Time) by Marcel Proust. It is between 3000 and 4000 pages depending on who you ask. I may quit. It is in seven volumes, so I may have to read it in stages. I think I am going to skip it until I am done with WWII (in six volumes).

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